
Stay updated with the latest insights and stories from our project. Our blog features articles, reflections, and personal stories from our team and partners, shedding light on various aspects of climate change and critical thinking. Join the conversation and stay informed with our latest posts.

Picture of a class room

Professional Development Workshop in Vienna

On February 26, 2024, the ENGAGING-Team from the University of Innsbruck conducted a professional development workshop at the Pluslucis-Fortbildungswoche at University of Vienna. We presented our tutorials addressing conceptual understanding and a preview on critical thinking tutorials....

Picture of Materials

KU Leuven students test the Climate Change tutorials!

During the spring semester, students enrolled in the Master of Teaching in Science and Technology program participated in testing tutorials developed as part of our ENGAGING project within the Physics Teaching Methods class. These tutorials cover various topics and tasks related to (the physics...

Picture of a Woman presenting

Annual Science Teachers Conference (VeLeWe congres)

On February 3rd, 2024, Flemish biology, chemistry, geography, and physics teachers gathered at the annual Science Teachers Conference (VeLeWe congres) held in Antwerp, Belgium. The conference program featured workshops designed to inspire teachers. This year, we presented our climate change...

Screenshot of Leifi Website

Tutorials in Climate Change at LEIFI-Talk

Our Tutorials in Climate Change were presented to teachers in Germany, Austria and South Tyrol at the LEIFI-Talk online event series on 18 April 2024. The LEIFI-Talks for chemistry and physics teachers, organised by the Joachim Herz Foundation, are held once a month and focus on chemistry and...

Picture of a class room

Professional Development Workshop in Vienna

On February 26, 2024, the ENGAGING-Team from the University of Innsbruck conducted a professional development workshop at the Pluslucis-Fortbildungswoche at University of Vienna. We presented our tutorials addressing conceptual understanding and a preview on critical thinking tutorials....

Picture of Materials

KU Leuven students test the Climate Change tutorials!

During the spring semester, students enrolled in the Master of Teaching in Science and Technology program participated in testing tutorials developed as part of our ENGAGING project within the Physics Teaching Methods class. These tutorials cover various topics and tasks related to (the physics...

Picture of a Woman presenting

Annual Science Teachers Conference (VeLeWe congres)

On February 3rd, 2024, Flemish biology, chemistry, geography, and physics teachers gathered at the annual Science Teachers Conference (VeLeWe congres) held in Antwerp, Belgium. The conference program featured workshops designed to inspire teachers. This year, we presented our climate change...